how to search Google?The right way !!!

Well this is my first post in this blog . So thought of having some nice info on Google which will sure help you.

Normally we go to Google, type our search, get results and go home happily. But when searching some rare information
we get many junk results ,which are of no use to us . so we have to search a lot and sometimes we don't get the required information .

so here are some nice tips to search Google to get most nearest possible information required. Which also include advanced query syntax at the end.

searching google:
  • type_1(normal) : Goto Google type keywords, get results, go home....

  • type_2 : type your search in double inverted commas (" your keyword ")

  1. type_2 explanation : when you type keyword in inverted commas Google searches whole web for the whole grouped string provided.
  2. for example: if we search google for DEELIP INKAR (without double quotes ). we get results containing DEELIP & INKAR as two different peoples.
  3. but if we search google for "DEELIP INKAR" (using double inverted commas) then we get results for person named DEELIP INKAR.
This helps a lot in google searching.

  • type_3:
    use of "+" sign in google searching.

  1. type_3 explanation : use "+" (plus) sign with required keywords will result in FORCED addition of default omitted keywords.
  2. example: if you search Google for me and my life with computer, Google will omit "me,and,with" from the keywords provided.but if u search for +me +and my life +with computer , here Google will include the previously omitted words.
  3. similarly "-" sign is used to manually omit search results.

  • TYPE_4: use of "OR" & "|" (basic boolean syntax)

  1. type_4 explanation : use of these keywords is somewhat tricky. using OR & | means one and the same. it means to searching google between any of the two provided keywords.
  2. example: if we search "BILL GATES" microsoft silverlight, result will include all three keywords
  3. but if we search for "bill gates" or Microsoft or silverlight, then the search will include either of the three keywords.
  4. And if we search for silverlight ("bill gates" or Microsoft), then the search include either silverlight bill gates OR silverlight Microsoft
  5. also we can use character pipe (|) instead of OR.also we can use "+" or "-" between search results.
  • type_5 : use of advanced query syntax(these syntax are used in google hacking techniques, so study well)

  • syntax 1: intitle: & allintitle:
  1. explanation: intitle means=inside title; allintitle means=all inside title. Using this query with required keywords searches web for keyword present in the title of web pages.
  2. example: intitle:Microsoft program searches for web pages containing MICROSOFT as their title and program as a word in their content.
  3. allintitle:microsoft program searches for web pages containing Microsoft as well as program in their title
  4. intitle:"microsoft program" silverlight this searches web pages containing "Microsoft program" as title and silverlight as its content.

  • syntax 2: inurl: & allinurl:
  1. explanation: inurl means=inside url; allinurl means=all inside URL. This query searches for keyword in site addresses.example: inurl:Microsoft searches for urls containing MICROSOFT
  2. allinurl:Microsoft silverlight searches for urls containing MICROSOFT and silverlight as a content in that URLs.
  3. inurls:"Microsoft silverlight" searches for URLs containing Microsoft as well as silverlight in web URLs

  • syntax 3: intext: & allintext:

  1. explanation: intext means=inside text; allintext means= all inside text. this query searches for keyword in body texts,ignores site URLs & titles.
  2. example: intext:micosoft silverlight searches for MICROSOFT SILVERLIGHT in various texts on web.

  • syntax 4: site:
  1. explanation: site: query is used to search keywords restricted to a site.
  2. example: avast it will search for avast antivirus. hehe...nice trick to search rapidshare.">

  • syntax 4.1 : link:
  1. explanation: link: query is used to search web for finding which pages are linking to the provided keyword link.
  2. example: This will search web about who is pointing towards except its own

  • syntax 5: cache:
  1. explanation: cache: finds a copy of page that google has indexed before but the page is no longer available at its original place.This is nice to find pages that changes often.

  • syntax 6: filetype:
  1. explanation: filetype: searches for suffixes and extensions of files.Google indexes such as ASP,PHP,CGI,etc,etc. Also some Microsoft formats including PPT , XLS , DOC.
  2. example: filetype:doc blogger this will search for DOC filetype having including word blogger.

  • syntax 7: related:
  1. explanation: related : finds keywords related to desired catagory.
  2. example: will retain search related to blog providing sites like wordpress,live journal,etc.

  • syntax 8: info:
  1. explanation: info: finds information of specific URL or site. Information depends upon whether Google has indexed that page or not.
  2. example: shows result about

  • syntax 9: define:
  1. explanation: define: finds definition about the word.
  2. example: define:blogger gives definition about blogger.

  • syntax 10: number range.(expressed with two dots "..")
  1. explanation: includes number range in search.
  2. example: Einstein 1880..1990 will give work of Einstein in between 1880-1990.....hehe...just look at the search..

  • syntax 11: safesearch:
  1. explanation: safesearch: gives results omitting adult content
  1. example: safesearch:sex gives non-adult searches.

  • syntax 12: stocks:
  1. explanation: stocks: gives results related to stocks
  2. example: stocks:reliance will search about reliance stcks on web.

phewww...well there are more syntaxes to get more sensitive information from google but i can't write it here, coz blogger will sue me for that...
still to learn more about these syntax and there use , nice info can be found HERE .

Author: Ritesh Kedar.
source:Google guides , Google hacking database
